Make Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Part of Your Culture
The Need for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
To better serve the people, the staffs of federal institutions and state and local governments should reflect the diversity of their community. In addition to hiring people who reflect the makeup of their constituents, municipalities and other governmental institutions and agencies must commit to equity and inclusion in the areas of service delivery, leadership development, community engagement and workplace culture. Ideally, the values and principles of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are integrated into every government’s culture, policies and practices. *

Why Do Governments Need DEI Training?
Governments that do not reflect or understand the changing demographics of their constituents can find themselves beset with internal conflicts, investigations about questionable police actions, increasingly tense race relations, and complaints about the administration of justice.
Promoting DEI values in governmental institutions and agencies means more than simply hiring and even promoting a diverse workforce. The work environment must feel welcoming to all employees and appreciative of their differences and unique talents and skills. In addition, governmental entities should make every member of the public they serve feel respected. This is where federal diversity training services can make a real difference.
Combatting Bias in Law Enforcement
Recent events have put the spotlight on the need to eliminate bias in community policing practices. A comprehensive program for cultural diversity training for law enforcement can help officers and leadership identify and examine the ways in which stereotypes can influence their behavior. It could also impact the relationship they have with the communities they serve. Police diversity training seeks to provide departments with skillsets they can use to root out prejudice and discrimination — whether conscious or unconscious.
Once all of the appropriate personnel have completed this training, police departments can more effectively reflect their constituencies and treat others with respect. They may also enjoy stronger bonds of trust with the people they protect. All of this is essential for maintaining an effective and equitable police force. Our programs for increasing diversity in government can help these organizations come closer to achieving their goals and heal the deep divides that exist in many urban environments.

Our Coaching and Training Expertise
CoachDiversity Institute specializes in the coaching support and training of forward-thinking government and community leaders who want to proactively impact the constituents and communities they serve. Certified federal diversity training coaches can come to your organization to help you understand the barriers that lead to feelings of “otherness” among members of minority groups. Our government diversity coaching services will help you develop solutions to overcome these barriers, address inequalities and create an inclusive workplace, and show you how to integrate DEI principles in every aspect of your work culture.
* Source: ICMA’s Approach To Equity and Inclusion