Heather D. Horton

Heather D. Horton, Esq., is a visionary pacesetter. She transitioned into  coaching in 2016 as a natural extension of being a servant leader while serving  in the Federal government as a Tax Attorney for almost two decades from trial  attorney to manager of an attorney group to Division Director of Headquarters  Operations. In 2017, twelve years after suffering a traumatic loss in May 2005 Heather stepped out on faith, resigned from her Federal career, and committed  her life to rerouting the trajectory of individual lives, empowering communities,  and changing the world through grief coaching, recovery support, and  education.   

Heather empowers executives and leaders to identify the root cause of their  personal and professional challenges and learn how to manage their emotions  to respond versus reacting to life events and circumstances. When we  individually identify and align with our values and practice doing the things that  feed our souls, we create inclusive workplace cultures of well-being by default. Through coaching, Heather helps reroute the trajectory of individual lives,  empower communities, and change the world while being a listening heart with  ears.  

Heather is the Founder of The H‐Squared Group, LLC, an international grief  recovery coaching and support practice. She is also an International Coaching  Federation Credentialed Coach, a Certified Professional Diversity Coach through CoachDiversity Institute, an Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist  through the Grief Recovery Institute, and a Registered Yoga Teacher. Heather  earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Southern University and A&M  College, a Juris Doctor and Bachelor of Civil Law from Louisiana State  University Law Center, and a Master of Laws in Taxation from Georgetown  University Law Center. Her personal and professional life experiences have.