Amara Lynch

Languages:  Spanish & English

Amara Lynch facilitates the learning and growth of both organizations and individuals. She works tirelessly on behalf of her core values: justice and love. Among her passions is contributing to the work of change-makers through coaching and thought-partnership.

Amara enjoys helping her clients build a bridge between their current and desired practices using learning, experimentation, and accountability. She relies on her strengths of asking powerful questions, listening deeply, and translating big goals into manageable steps to provide catalytic experiences for those with whom she works.

Following a career in public education, Amara founded Hand in Hand Learning and Development, which helps leaders make strategic decisions about the money and time their organizations invest in learning and development activities.

Amara facilitates racial dialogues for Listening 4 Justice and Equitable Dinners and is a certified Developmental Sprint® Leader. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Tufts University and a master’s degree in Education with International Baccalaureate certification from Bethel University.  She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Adult Learning and Leadership from the University of Georgia.

Amara is a Certified Professional Diversity Coach through CoachDiversity Institute, accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

“I began walking this path with you at just the right moment. Now I see the way fears paralyze us and do not let us move forward. I also see that we can address our fears to improve personally and professionally and in this way help everyone around us. Thank you for helping me discover and develop what I am capable of achieving.”

– Anonymous Client

“Amara is an extremely powerful coach. She knows exactly the right questions to ask so that I don’t swirl in my headspace. Her intuition is spot on and helped me to move to action much sooner than I would ever expect. I especially appreciate Amara’s passion for equity. Maintaining the highest standards of fairness, justice, and inclusiveness are so at her core that they resonate organically and without tension. The world would be a far better place if everyone had Amara to accompany them.”

– Consulting Firm Founder