Microaggression Training
Microaggressions are the silent killers of culture and productive workplaces. They take the form of snide comments, poor body language, and deplorable behavior. In some cases, microaggressions are deliberate forms of discrimination or passive-aggressive attitudes. For others, the microaggressions are unintentional and stem from implicit bias.
Microaggression training is an effective method used by corporations, government entities, and other organizations such as nonprofits worldwide. Explore how workplace microaggression training can help you and your organization create a better workplace for individuals of all backgrounds and provide better services along the way.
What are Microaggressions?
Microaggressions are commonplace and sometimes unintentional. But the impact of microaggressions is detrimental to marginalized cultures. But what are they exactly? They are behavioral or verbal discriminations that communicate hostility or negative emotions toward marginalized groups—communities outside the cultural majority. In addition to racial microaggressions, LGBTQ individuals experience microaggressions, too, especially when asked about gender identity.
Microaggressions are silent aspects of discrimination where individuals feel as though part of their identity holds no value. It leads to poor mental health and overall well-being. It won’t be blatant. Instead, it will show up as passive-aggressive statements that go unnoticed as microaggression. Fewer people still point out injustices when they see them, but microaggression training seeks to change that way of thinking.
Marginalized cultural groups experience microaggressions in everyday life. They occur in workplaces, hospitals, clinics, universities, public schools, social gatherings, and even within families. Microaggressions are harmful and create divides in society that don’t mend quickly.
Microaggression Examples in the Workplace
Several microaggression examples exist, but the most common will come out as uncertain questions or statements. They can appear as behavior, such as clutching a purse or walking on the other side of the street when around diverse people.
- You speak English pretty well.
- Who’s the man, and who’s the woman?
- All lives matter.
- Have you thought about settling down and having a family?
- I don’t see color.

What is Microaggression Training?
Microaggression training refers to any program that teaches employees how to eliminate acts of microaggressions in order to help individuals feel valued, empowered, and connected to their peers.
Why is Microaggression Training Important?
Microaggressions aren’t small, and the impact they have is widespread. One study published in the National Library of Medicine found that racial, cultural, and sexual microaggressions occurred in nearly 94% of marginalized medical practitioners. Another study found that 68.8% of female healthcare workers experienced some form of microaggression in the past year.
It’s not just in the medical field either, as a third study points to a 26% daily microaggression rate towards students of color. Finally, Columbia University reports that 36% of Americans mention being bystanders to microaggressions in the workplace. An additional 24% are unsure about microaggressions but aware of some form of discrimination.
Awareness of microaggressions is just the beginning. Individuals and organizations need cultural competence training for professional development, specifically microaggression, to navigate the diverse workforce successfully.
When organizations implement microaggression training initiatives, like the ones through CoachDiversity Institute, teams become more aware of the impact their words and behaviors have. Psychologies shift towards inclusion, and victims of microaggressions feel accepted in their environment.
Who Benefits from Workplace Microaggression Training?
Microaggressions happen in every type of workplace. They’re particularly harsh in environments where non-traditional employees replace a long-standing social norm. These employers are typically the military, corporate offices, technology, science, and healthcare. Those who could benefit most from microaggression training in the workplace are:
- Senior leaders and corporate management – These leaders are the most impactful, with direct influence over an organization’s culture. Microaggression training for these individuals leads to inclusive workforces.
- Healthcare professionals – As one of the most impacted fields, healthcare professionals benefit from microaggression training the most. Providers and patients receive higher levels of respect and better care results.
- Educational providers – An educated society leads to innovation, diplomacy, and progress. Microaggressions prevent communication and squash creative cooperation. Valuing different educational backgrounds provides learning opportunities for more people.
- Non-profit organizations – Non-profit organizations are essential. Helping those who need it most starts with providing an inclusive environment. Implementing microaggression training builds empathy and better provides care for those in need.
- Frontline team members – Team members and associates who work with or serve the public provide improved performance from microaggression training. A better understanding of the community and co-workers means more inclusive environments and better service.
There can also be benefits to spreading widespread education on microaggressions. The more demographic diverse and inclusive communities are, the earlier the vocabulary and behavior shift from microaggressions to acceptance. These communities then pave the way for social, economic, and educational growth.

Choose the right learning path for you or your team
With the increasing diversity in today’s world, it’s more important than ever to be aware of and be sensitive to different cultures. Investing in multicultural education is a great way to ensure that your team is equipped to work effectively with people from all cultures.
PATH 1: Associate Diversity Coach
Associate Diversity Coach (ADC) involves 60 training hours. Attend Session 1 Coaching Foundations and complete the remaining hours virtually. This diversity and inclusion certification curriculum includes coaching foundations. You will be able to begin your coaching practice with a solid foundation of core coaching competencies. No additional in-person classroom time is required.
What you get:
- 30 hours of in-person training (Session 1)
- 6 virtual learning labs
- 12 peer coaching hours
- 10 mentor coaching hours
- 2 hours self-study writing assignment
This diversity training certification program takes approximately 4 months to complete. This designation helps you qualify for the ICF membership and apply for the ICF’s certification and credentialing through the ACC ACSTH Path.
PATH 2: Certified Professional Diversity Coach
Certified Professional Diversity Coach (CPDC) includes 125 training hours. Attend Session 1 Coaching Foundations; Session 2 Coaching & Cultural Competencies; and Session 3 Inclusive Leadership & Business Development.
The CPDC level certification curriculum includes coaching foundations, advanced coaching techniques, more profound emotional intelligence work, CoachDiversity’s model for diversity and inclusion, cultural competence, and leadership and business development. You will learn the coach-approach to developing cultural competence as a certified diversity professional. The topics covered:
- Developing awareness of the cultural difference
- Cultivating a non-judgmental attitude toward difference
- Transforming bias toward inclusion
- Coaching principles and cultural competency
- Minority stress
- Managing conflict around diversity and inclusion in the workplace
- Coaching micro-aggressions
What you get:
- 90 hours of in-person training (Sessions 1, 2 & 3)
- 6 virtual learning labs
- 12 peer coaching hours
- 10 mentor coaching hours
- 2 hours self-study writing assignment
- 5 hours of business development
This diversity inclusion certification program takes approximately six months to complete. This designation helps you qualify for the ICF membership and apply for the ICF’s certification and credentialing through the PCC ACSTH Path.
No matter which route you choose, taking steps to learn more about multicultural education will benefit you and your team. Learning about other cultures can help your organization create a more inclusive environment for everyone.

Deciding how to handle workplace microaggression training for your team can be a challenge. The experts at the CoachDiversity Institute understand the needs of your organization and have certificate awarded courses accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
With catered courses, webinars, online learning, and one-on-one coaching, CoachDiversity Institute’s vast toolkit has everything leaders need to tackle microaggressions in their organization! Taking the next step is easy. You can decide to become an Associate Diversity Coach or a fully Certified Professional Diversity Coach. Plus, there is plenty of material and courses to advance your knowledge of microaggressions!
Microaggression Training Discussion Topics
There are many approaches to microaggression training, but most courses follow a similar structure. In addition to understanding what microaggressions are and how they impact workplace culture, expect to see these other topics covered as well.
- Understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – Understanding the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is the start of eliminating microaggressions. Many organizations have an established DEI organization, and many need additional help.
- Microaggressions in the Workplace – Breaking down examples of microaggressions and how they’re destructive brings awareness. Many people are unconscious that their personal unconscious biases impact their vocabulary and behavior.
- Cultural Competency, Acceptance, and Humility – Working with a diverse population means putting aside personal pride, accepting other beliefs, and including different cultures. Learning about, celebrating, and including various individuals fuels innovation, creation, and cooperation.
- LGBTQ+ Inclusion – Many associate microaggressions with people of color, but other cultures are just as important. LGBTQ+ and discrimination are just as prevalent as other cultural biases. In some cases, discrimination because of sexual orientation leads to sexual harassment.
Organizations can cater microaggression training to match the goals of an organization or business. CoachDiversity Institute’s curriculum matches what working professionals need to be culturally competent in microaggressions. It also impacts government professionals, healthcare providers, and educational institutions.
Prevent Microaggressions in your Organization with CoachDiversity Institute
Curbing workplace microaggressions makes the difference between an inclusive, productive environment and a workplace tainted by low morale. Microaggression training brings awareness to these verbal or behavioral actions of discrimination and works to undo the damage. Certified professionals have the tools, knowledge, and support to implement lasting change in their workplace cultures.
Microaggression training helps prevent future acts of discrimination and provides a framework for inclusive work environments. Senior leaders and decision-makers who take the microaggression training can further prevent microaggressions by embodying the change in their culture and leading by example.
With the prevalence of microaggressions, especially in healthcare, education, and corporate workforces, training is more vital than ever. Diverse individuals need support, and organizations benefit from inclusive work environments. CoachDiversity Institute has everything you need to get started tackling microaggressions today.