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Diversity Coaching and Inclusive Work Cultures

The Difference Between Employee Experience And Employee Engagement

Cultural Competency in Practice: How to Become Culturally Competent

What is cultural competence? The definition of cultural competence isn’t a mysterious code that will reveal hidden treasure. The real treasure is obvious—cultural competence is the will and actions of individuals...
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The Critical Need for Cultural Competence in Healthcare with Examples

What is cultural competence in healthcare? It’s an absolute tragedy to report that African American women have the highest infant mortality rates, accounting for 11.11 deaths in every 1000 births. An...
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultants: Their Role and Need

What is a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultant? The human resource departments of many organizations have complex roles and requirements to ensure proper business operation. Within the last few decades,...
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40 Workplace Diversity Statistics to Keep in Mind

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace We often talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion in terms of the benefits it provides organizations. And although many companies offer inclusive workplaces, many...
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Coaching: An Overlooked Leadership Skill

Measuring Company Culture: Where to Begin

Defining Company Culture and Its Importance Company culture directly results from the behaviors, actions, and language of employees and leadership teams. While culture reflects leadership’s interpretation of core values, it’s up...
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10 Examples of Great Company Culture to Emulate for Your Business

Why Good Company Culture is Important There always seem to be dream companies offering unreal perks that attract top talent regardless of the challenging demands. On the surface, those perks and...
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5 Steps to Prevent Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace

What is sexual orientation discrimination? One’s sexual orientation can and has impacted millions of workers, even extending into outright harassment based on a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation. These orientations...
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Executive Coaching: 8 Benefits to Consider

What is executive coaching? Being in leadership is challenging. You have to answer to stakeholders who expect consistent performance and lead your team to achieve success. The battle to balance these...
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Building Inclusion within Teams

10 Strategies for Creating a More Inclusive Workplace

Why an Inclusive Workplace is Important There’s a lot of momentum happening where businesses are recognizing the benefits that diversity, equity, and inclusion can bring. Even the Society for Human Resource...
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Three Tips to Effectively Managing Up

7 Types of Diversity in the Workplace

What is workplace diversity? Everyone wants to have their identity valued. Unfortunately, social constructs have allowed humans to erect walls between the differences that make each individual unique. These walls take...
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How to Use Inclusive Language in the Workplace

The Importance of Inclusive Language in the Workplace The pen is mightier than the sword, so goes the saying. This phrase illustrates the power that words have, and to modify the...
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The Difference Between Employee Experience And Employee Engagement

9 Examples of Inclusive Behaviors in the Workplace

What do inclusive behaviors look like? Humans are social creatures. Nothing is worse than feeling left out, and employees that lack a sense of belonging are doing your business no favors....
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